At C3, God doesn’t occupy the top box on the organizational chart as a figurehead.  He really is in charge of everything!  And we haven’t inverted the chart to be cool, or innovative; we really think of ourselves in the functional arrangement that you see here.  God is the boss.  He gifts, impassions, and leads our church people, directly.  Ministry leaders, whether paid staff, or gifted lay leaders provide our people with opportunities to speak our six love languages to God.  The staff leader, (Sr. Minister) and supporting elders lead by example and give everyone the tools, support and prayers they need to be successful, otherwise they think of themselves simply as shepherds.

If you need to contact the elders or deacons, we have listed the chairman of each group here.  To contact any other individual leaders, please feel free to contact the church office.  

Chairman of the Elders- Gary Green-

Chairman of the Deacons- Brent Newhouse-